(just a little) KAREN
A Portrait of Childlike Faith
by Karen Marrero
Embark on a riveting journey through Karen's tumultuous life, where resilience and faith intersect. In this compelling narrative, humor and determination collide, painting a vivid picture of Karen's experiences filled with laughter, heartache, and an unshakeable belief in the divine. From the shadows of childhood abuse to the pinnacle of academic achievements, from passionate community activism to the depths of devastating loss, Karen's life unfolds as a whirlwind of unexpected adventure where the sky is the limit. Everyone Needs (Just a Little) Karen transcends the conventional memoir, emerging as a poignant and thought-provoking tale of a child's journey toward redemption and resilience in the face of life's formidable challenges.
Brace yourself for both giggles and tears as Karen lays bare her life, sharing the effects of childhood trauma, the uproarious blunders of growing up, and the poignant struggles of pursuing a career while raising a family. From the importance of speaking up for oneself to the comedic mishaps of everyday life, this little book offers a refreshing perspective on dealing with challenging situations and personalities in characteristically "un-Karenesque" ways.
With a touch of humor and empathy, Everyone Needs (Just a Little) Karen is an entertaining read that will leave you both chuckling and reflecting on the absurdities and essential life lessons hidden within those potentially "Karen" moments we all encounter. Discover in Karen's book the remarkable resilience of laughter, showing that even amid life's trials, laughter and grins can propel us forward.
The Story of an Overcomer
Just a Little Karen
When my middle son was a young teenager, he had a nasty spill while trying out a new bicycle in a store parking lot. Without reporting the incident to the salesperson, he left the bike and promptly returned home. Later on, I found him lounging on the couch watching television, which was unusual behavior—because he didn't like watching television.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Well, not really. I fell and hurt my arm." He was blunt but unemotional.
Soon afterward, I was concerned enough to make an appointment with the doctor for X-rays.
“So, how did you hurt yourself?” the nurse casually asked.
"I was test-driving a bike when I fell on the asphalt."
"Oh, how do you spell that? "Never mind—I got it."
Curious, he glanced over her shoulder as she wrote out her diagnosis: Patient was hurt on ass-fault.
Without a word, he quietly left (not unlike the bike incident)—but not before he saw that her name tag bore her name in proud caps: KAREN. Later, he shared the story with me and said, "Everyone needs just a little Karen."